About Peter Rowe

Ok Now about this Peter Rowe guy, WOW I’ve learned an awful lot from
him since I started lurking and posting here from MR. Rowe. , I
rember saying something about being able to pick up CAD/CAM in three
or four weeks, !!Yeah Right" 4 Months later, (Three months studing
AutoCad) investing about 5 grand in software ( Thank heavens for
Acadrmic versions ). trying to learn Rhino for 3D modeling and a CAM
program and a CNC program Wll MR. Rowe must have had one heck of a
laugh when I made that statement, But as Mark Twain is so misquoted
as saying "It is far better to keep ones mouth shut and be thought a
fool, Than to open ones mouth and erase all doubt.

I’ve also watched with intrest the comments lately on what Cad/Cam
software is best, I think that’s like asking what color is best or
what flavor ice cream is, It all depends on how much you are willing
to try and learn. Rhino is nice, but it’s commands are a bit soft,
Autocab is Extreme;y powerful and lhere is no learning curve, Iit’s
amore like a verticle ascention, straight up. un fortunatly it’s wa
expensive. I think the lick and stick stuff like Jewelcad, and
Jewelsmith are OK for getting into the stream faster but I think you
pay a trade off price for design ability once you have learned
something like Rhino or AutoCad Why redesign the wheel, learn to
think on new planes and maybe get a library of stones which you can
create your self )

Ken Ferrell

T h e O r c h i d L i s t
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End of forwarded message

Ok Now about this Peter Rowe guy, WOW I've learned an awful lot
from him since I started lurking and posting here from MR. Rowe. 

Gosh, Ken. I’m flattered. but lets be real. I’m only one of very
many people on this list who are willing to write lots of good info.
Sometimes I may tend to be more wordy than some, but that just makes
my posts longer and harder to miss, than necessarily any better
quality info. Still, I’m glad you like my little written
dribblings… (grin)

 I rember saying something about being able to pick up CAD/CAM in
three or four weeks, !!Yeah Right" 4 Months later,...  ...Well MR.
Rowe must have had one heck of a laugh when I made that statement, 

Will, I might have felt moved to try and disagree, but I usually try
not to laugh at peoples postings. All too often, when I find myself
laughing AT someone, it turns out they’re right and I’m wrong. Now,
if someone want’s me to laugh WITH them, that’s different.

 But as Mark Twain is so misquoted as saying "It is far better to
keep ones mouth shut and be thought a fool, Than to open ones mouth
and erase all doubt. 

Well, been there, done that. Overpaid for the wrong size T-shirt. But
what the heck. Life is short. Maybe it’s better to be thought a fool,
than not thought of at all?
